Overflow Coverage

Overflow coverage supplementing internal physician advisory teams

Augment your team on weekends, nights and holidays or outsource all your physician advisory services.

No automation. No software installation.

Human-powered clinical and payer expertise that get results.

What sets us apart, elevates your team

Optimizing Reimbursement

with a core focus on physician advisor utilization review services

Improving Patient Outcomes

with physician advisors possesing at least 5 years clinical + 3 years UM experience

Managing Patient Flow

with efficient two-hour turnaround times that help eliminate delays

Reinforcing Revenue Integrity

with customized reporting metrics that identify potentially missed revenue

Controlling Expenses

with no required minimums, no maintenance fees & no software installation

Ready to see all the metrics we capture?

Learn how our physician advisory services can improve your revenue.

Achieve excellence in utilization review by increasing your revenue and shortening your revenue cycle with accurate medical necessity determinations even at your busiest times.

Overflow impact on hospital UR


Mitigate risk and optimize revenue even when your team is short staffed or your patient load is high. We provide physician advisory support when the need arises so you can focus on patient care every day.

Our overflow coverage can supplement your internal physician advisory teams whenever it is needed.

Exploring the Balance Between Cost and Care

UM balances the delivery of the right care at the right time in the right setting. Providing the right, or medically necessary care, depends upon providing patients with treatment needed to achieve the best possible medical outcome without over- or under-utilizing services. The complexity of the cost structure in the U.S. healthcare system adds another hurdle. Even though medical necessity is the foundation upon which UM rests, it does not exist in a vacuum. It is intricately linked to cost. Achieving a utilization management balance can improve a hospital’s quality of care while at the same time reducing costs.

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